Jabez Humanitarian Foundation

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Past Projects:

March 2015

The fourth annual Portland Adventist Academy trip

August 2014

Pleasant Valley SDA Church sent a group of 17 people to build the Uma SDA Church on Rabi Island, to hold evangelistic meetings, and to provide medical care for the people of Uma, Tabiang, Buakonikai, and Laselase.  The first story of the church is completed and people are now able to worship in their new building.  Over 360 people received medical assistance either in our medical clinic or during the mobile medical trips.

March 2014

The third annual Portland Adventist Academy trip focused primarily on health screenings in all the schools on the islands, looking especially for dental and eye problems, as well as checking hearing and vision.  Toothbrushes and toothpaste were given to the school children.  Education about hand-washing and tooth brushing was provided to the children.

March 2013

Second annual Portland Adventist Academy trip:  We assisted the locals in building a dormitory/evacuation center.  This building will house visitors to the village, but its most important role will be a hurricane evacuation center.  The island's buildings are too flimsy to stand up to hurricane forces winds.  We also held clinic almost every day in the shell of our new medical clinic, had children's programs in the evening, and participated in church on the Sabbath.

September 2012

Hood View SDA Church took their third trip to Rabi Island to complete building the new medical clinic.  It was awesome to see the walls going up and the roof on!  Meanwhile, we held clinic in an adjacent house so we could watch the progress next door.   We also conducted the first ever CPR classes on the island for the village health care workers and the students of the Rabi High School.  And, as always, work continues every trip on adding more sand filtration water systems to schools and villages.

March 2012

Portland Adventist Academy goes to Rabi for the first time.  Our goals were to pour the foundation and floor for the new medical clinic.  It is hard, manual labor, and the weather wasn't cooperating.  We were afraid we wouldn't be finished before we had to leave, but God sent us Ray.  He and his crew were building a jetty just down the road, and when he saw us hauling rocks and sand with wheelbarrows, he offered to help.  He loaned us his men and equipment to get the floor completed in just a few days.  Then we got hit with a cyclone and would never have finished the floor in time.  God provides again!