Jabez Humanitarian Foundation

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Why we do this:

Several years ago we started sending construction crews over to Rabi Island to start building our community education center and the medical clinic.  The teams consisted of several builders and a team of volunteers willing to work.  In order to get the job done within the 2 week time frame, we enlisted many of the local men to help.  After three teams had gone over, the locals were becoming experienced.  The team who went to Rabi this past March didn't have any building experience, so we asked the locals to build while we gave them assistance and support.  Our new dormitory reflects the skills they have mastered.  Many of the men are very excited because they can now build dwellings for themselves and have a way to support their families by getting jobs in construction.  This puts a huge smile on our faces!  And this is one of the reasons we go again and again - to see the positive changes in the lives of those we reach.

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement: 

To demonstrate the human expression of the ministry of Jesus Christ to those in need.


To reflect God's love by serving those in need with compassion, dignity and respect, and to focus outreach and planning on improving their physical and spiritual health.


To empower people through education, improved health, and by giving them the tools they need to improve their lives.


Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?"  and I said, "Here am I.  Send me."  Isaiah 6:8